Braving Binangawan Falls
I have been breathing poison for years. How can I tell? My lungs noisily complained when fresh air from Binangawan forest filled them. Can you still go on? Neil asked.
Demystifying Mount Ilihan
Now I know why someone as picky as Neil would fall in love with Mount Ilihan. The actual place looked similar to the picture I conjured up in my head, based from his stories.
Camiguin in 36 Hours
Imagine my excitement when Neil brought up his plans to visit Camiguin. Of course, I instantly wanted to tag along! But there was a slight challenge: we only had 36 hours to explore Camiguin.
Why I’ll ‘Come Again’ to Camiguin
'I should be quite content if I owned a hut and a little plot of land in Camiguin where your father and I could retire,' my mother’s thoughts exactly. She repeats this reverie loudly whether or not she finds a willing listener.
Making Merry Memories in Mantigue Island
You’ve finally met the person of your dreams. Then, your parents and his family were about to meet next. It is pretty normal to feel anxious when planning for first meet-up as such.